Hello and Happy Sunday! 👋🏼 I like sending these emails on Mondays, but I couldn't wait this time. Don't worry - this will be a short one. In my last email, I mentioned that I would publish a video about my experience hiking up a dormant volcano to watch an active volcano erupt nearby. It's been almost 8 months since I posted a video on YouTube. It felt good to get editing again. If you have 5 minutes to spare, I just uploaded a video of my experience hiking Volcán Acatenango here in Guatemala. It's been one of my favorite experiences on this trip so far and a great way to end my time in Guatemala. I'd love it if you checked the video out and left a comment if it resonates with you or gets you feeling some type of way. ❤️ I'll be heading to El Salvador this week. If you have been there before and have some recommendations, I'd love to hear them! Thanks for reading, [sent from my 🚐 in Antigua, Guatemala] |
113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205 |
You can sign up for my newsletter here. I send an email every 1 or 2 weeks about travel, life, philosophy, documenting new challenges, and whatever other stuff I have on my mind that I think others might find interesting.
Why feeling "at home" is dangerous... Lately, I’ve been exploring the idea of home. Most people who feel “at home” have a physical place where this is true for them. Whether that’s a house, a city, or a country. When you ask someone where home is, that’s the typical response. I guess in this context, the answer is Brazil for me. Whenever I come back here, I get this overwhelming sensation throughout my body that this is where I “belong”. It's a joy to be here, to hear Portuguese, to feel...
I'm stuck in Panama with no way out... This is a long email. Grab a coffee and get situated. 😅 I drove out of Costa Rica and entered Panama on October 22nd. Once I entered the country, one border policeman informed me that nationwide protests would be starting the next day. They recommended I pick somewhere to potentially hunker down. Oh - and get gas. My girlfriend and I drove straight to Boquete, a mountain town famous for the world's best gesha coffee. We started the day at 6 AM and...
A mental reset... I'm currently in Costa Rica. My time here has given me a much-needed reset. I know it's never a place that gives me peace of mind or tranquility... I can experience those feelings anywhere. But it just so happens to be here in Costa Rica that everything has aligned for some clarity. A mental reset of sorts. I've been stressed the past little while, not sure what I want to get out of this trip going forward, not fully present, thinking too much instead of feeling... having a...